WEBVTT Kind: captions Language: en 00:00:00.200 --> 00:00:04.549 How you doing? I'm Miles McPherson and welcome to the First Mile. 00:00:04.549 --> 00:00:08.549 Let's say hypothetically you met the most amazing person in the world. 00:00:08.809 --> 00:00:12.189 Someone you felt like you will be in love with for the rest of your life. 00:00:12.349 --> 00:00:16.100 How long will it be before you started telling everybody you knew everything 00:00:16.100 --> 00:00:18.440 about them and your relationship? 00:00:18.440 --> 00:00:21.710 I don't believe it would be something you would keep to yourself. When I first 00:00:21.710 --> 00:00:22.490 met my wife, 00:00:22.490 --> 00:00:27.260 I couldn't wait to tell all my friends, my family, especially my boys that I met 00:00:27.260 --> 00:00:29.480 this girl that I knew I was going to marry. 00:00:29.480 --> 00:00:33.380 I was telling them about her smile, what she said when I first asked her to dance 00:00:33.380 --> 00:00:38.300 which was "no" and then the way she danced because she eventually said "yes." I told 00:00:38.300 --> 00:00:41.750 them how she wouldn't give me her phone number and how I had to hunt her down at 00:00:41.750 --> 00:00:45.890 school. Most importantly, I told them how she made me feel when we were 00:00:45.890 --> 00:00:50.600 together and even when I thought about her. I didn't need a class to teach me 00:00:50.600 --> 00:00:54.440 to do that or challenge me to do that. If you're not ashamed to tell people 00:00:54.440 --> 00:00:56.480 about your new boyfriend or girlfriend, 00:00:56.480 --> 00:01:00.200 You shouldn't be ashamed to tell people about your Lord, Jesus Christ. When it 00:01:00.200 --> 00:01:02.750 comes to Jesus, the One who died on the cross, 00:01:02.750 --> 00:01:06.859 forgave you of your sin, telling other people should be easy and something you 00:01:06.859 --> 00:01:10.959 want to do, but so many people are hesitant. 00:01:11.119 --> 00:01:14.990 So I'm going to make it really easy. I'm going to teach you two ways to tell 00:01:14.990 --> 00:01:16.670 everybody about Jesus. 00:01:16.670 --> 00:01:19.789 I'm gonna make it so easy, you can't not do it. 00:01:19.789 --> 00:01:23.840 The first thing you need to keep in mind is that what you need to share is simply 00:01:23.840 --> 00:01:25.219 your experience. 00:01:25.219 --> 00:01:29.450 The Bible says in John chapter 9 that Jesus miraculously healed a blind man. 00:01:29.450 --> 00:01:33.350 and because Jesus' critics wouldn't accept anything He did as legit, 00:01:33.350 --> 00:01:37.340 they challenged the now former blind man to say that Jesus was a sinner and that 00:01:37.340 --> 00:01:39.560 what He had done for him was not from God. 00:01:39.560 --> 00:01:43.729 The blind man's response was so powerful and so simple. 00:01:43.729 --> 00:01:48.439 The Bible says in John 9:25, He says, "Whether He was a sinner or not, I don't 00:01:48.439 --> 00:01:53.899 know. But one thing I know, that I was blind now I see." I want you to say out loud with me, 00:01:53.899 --> 00:01:55.420 "One thing 00:01:55.420 --> 00:02:01.750 I know." Say, "One thing I know." What is the one thing you know about what God has 00:02:01.750 --> 00:02:02.860 done in your life? 00:02:02.860 --> 00:02:08.619 Just one. Go tell somebody. Has He given you joy? Has He forgiven you of your sin? 00:02:08.619 --> 00:02:14.050 Has He given you peace or clarity about your life? Has He lifted a burden off your 00:02:14.050 --> 00:02:19.959 shoulders or healed a relationship? Just tell somebody one thing that you know 00:02:19.959 --> 00:02:24.880 God has done in your life, that you couldn't have done for yourself. You're not trying 00:02:24.880 --> 00:02:26.170 to win an argument. 00:02:26.170 --> 00:02:30.640 You're not trying to convince anyone of anything. You are simply sharing your 00:02:30.640 --> 00:02:33.940 experience and that's very easy to do. 00:02:34.180 --> 00:02:38.470 Now, not only will that encourage you, but it's going to give someone else hope 00:02:38.470 --> 00:02:43.420 that God can do the same thing for them. As easy as that is, I have something even 00:02:43.420 --> 00:02:49.030 easier. You can actually share the Gospel message with someone through a text 00:02:49.030 --> 00:02:57.430 message. If you just text the word, share to the numbers, 52525. Again, text the 00:02:57.430 --> 00:03:02.120 word, share to the numbers, 52525. 00:03:02.170 --> 00:03:07.060 It will guide you through a few steps that will eventually send a short video 00:03:07.060 --> 00:03:10.060 message from me sharing the Gospel with your friend. 00:03:10.060 --> 00:03:14.829 You will also get messages texted back to you telling you they got the video, whether 00:03:14.829 --> 00:03:20.669 they watched it or not, whether they accepted Christ or not. Easy, easy, easy. 00:03:20.950 --> 00:03:26.019 If God was faithful enough to have forgiven you and to love you even though 00:03:26.019 --> 00:03:28.030 you had a bunch of junk in your life, 00:03:28.030 --> 00:03:31.510 certainly people need to know about that. So here's today's challenge: 00:03:31.510 --> 00:03:37.180 Tell one person about Jesus by sharing that one thing and texting the word, 00:03:37.180 --> 00:03:44.079 share to the numbers, 52525. Again, both of these ways are telling someone about the 00:03:44.080 --> 00:03:48.640 most amazing friend you've ever met and they are so simple. 00:03:48.790 --> 00:03:52.569 You cannot resist. Keep in mind that the only reason you have Christ in your life 00:03:52.569 --> 00:03:56.909 is because someone told you about Him. The least you can do is pay it forward. 00:03:57.069 --> 00:04:00.430 If you want to learn more about telling your story and you want to record and share 00:04:00.430 --> 00:04:03.849 your story online or you want to hear what God has done in other people's 00:04:03.849 --> 00:04:04.719 lives, 00:04:04.719 --> 00:04:09.579 check out the resource section. God bless you and tell somebody that one 00:04:09.579 --> 00:04:10.079 thing.